
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

{SUPPLIER RATING} Wedding Vehicle


This was the least of our priorities. In fact, D only made arrangements for this the night before our wedding. Since we first planned to ride his motorcycle after the ceremony, hiring a professional wedding car is not advisable. To keep up with our roadtrip theme, we thought of getting a public transpo. Our first thoughts were jeep, tricycle, sidecar bike.. But knowing that we will pass EDSA from hotel to church somewhat changed our minds. The idea of actually hiring an airport taxi came from our ex-coordinator. She suggested that because of the yellow color. Brilliant idea so we adapted it. Thanks Kim!

As I've mentioned, D only made arrangements the night before. He went to the airport to get someone to do the task for us. He found one guy - his taxi's plate number is TYN 595. It was one hell of a gamble for D. The driver, unfortunately, do not have a cellphone so he was relying to his words that he'll come at our hotel the next day at 12 noon. He thought, if worst comes to worst, we have a bunch of cars that can do take me to the church.

But he came. A little earlier than expected. But since my mind was floating during that time and the time I was in the car was very limited, I wasn't able to have a decent chat with him just to even ask for his name.

Joann, my PA, paid him just before we get out of the car. She said D instructed her to give Manong P1500 instead of their arrangement of P1000 because Manong waited for us in the hotel. That's so generous of my husband.

Look at our pictures below -

So since we haven't encountered any problems, I'm giving him a perfect score.


This was the backup plan we came up with in such a short notice. I know you are tired of this same old story, but in case you haven't read it yet, here's the story again. For two years, we have been planning on having a motorcycle as our getaway vehicle. We already scraped the idea of a white bridal car. In fact, D got Ms.Claude and his husband as PS with high hopes that he can borrow one of the latter's big bikes. But nahiya sya nung time na ng hiraman! Anak ng! So our next step was to borrow Leo's Scarlet (CBR150). But two weeks before our wedding, a problem came up. Garbs and Gomi asked for the club's help for their wedding. Their setup was exactly the same as ours. Gomi's gown was also convertible because she will ride in Garbs' motorcycle! Aww heartbreak! This was one thing D was so excited about then we have to change it. Actually, no one's saying that we have to change anything. I'm not even sure if Garbs and Gomi knew that we were planning the same thing. It was my decision not do it anymore. The club was so amazed by their idea, so I'm guessing that if we will repeat that, the impact will not be as what we expected. We might even be branded copycat. That I cannot take. In two weeks, I came up with an idea to just use D's pickup from work but retain the motorcycle convoy. Ideally, I wanted the Big 4 to be complete - CB110, Rousser, Thunder and FZ. We have Choco Banana, Royden's Rousser and Zer's Thunder. Unfortunately, we cannot find someone who can lend us an FZ. So we proceeded with just the 3 and then let D's groomsmen drive the bikes in their suits. D's kuya meanwhile drove the pickup.

Wonder how we look like? Here, take a peek - 

The ride was a little scary. Scary for us because we were not holding on to anything. As in naka-lean lang ang body namin sa likod ng pickup! Take a look at the picture above. We just asked Kuya Winston to open his window so he can hear our shout. haha! We were also a bit worried for the motorcycle riders. We asked them to not wear helmets and just wear shades. I know, I know, we broke the rules! But we were supposed to be escorted by a bunch of please-men. I mean policemen. haha! But they were no where in sight. We just found out later that they were at the venue half an hour earlier but were swayed away by the church guards. The guards apparently told them that they were not allowed na tumambay in the church vicinity. But why?? Anyway, Josel's motorcycle did stall. hehe. He said he got scared when he saw an enforcer in the corner so he forgot to hit the clutch. haha! Thank God that enforcer was too aliw with us that he let us pass. Even the people in other cars were looking at us. Pang- Metro Manila Film Fest lang ang peg! Buti na lang hindi gaanong matirik ang araw! haha!

With the generosity of the owners of the vehicles and the love and effort of our drivers, who am I to give them a low score. Highest! Plus! Plus!

Enjoyed the ride,

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